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Our education system.

                    THE BLACK





31 MARCH 2020


PLEASE read my whole post before your comments and don’t take it in a wrong way.. Just read it in a cool manner. 

From @success

          Marks is not everything 

Actually in our society marks and intelligence are given too much priority  and overrating than it should be given to self development and focus on learning many other skills other than memorising  all the history wars and events and rote learning many unnecessary things which may be forgotten by you after 2 to 3 days until the topic is including curiosity and Interest and more quest to explore more about that topic. But sadly according to a survey till standard 10 more than 50% includes only memorization and constant rote learning which you will forget away within 3 days after exam. Do not believe me try to answer a long-answered question  of a  standard 2 level less than your are currently present which you had hardly rote during those days. These challenge is not for those  who  have exceptional memorizing power and can keep in memory for about a decade. Yeah you can have this power too with constant meditation and yoga. 

Coming to the point, the main point is that we have developed in every respect but education is still outdated. 

How😕?? 🤔 ?? 

The answer is we..... 
Are following the 19th century education and ideas, and the 20 th century education system in the current 21st century. 
As well said by Rabindranath Tagore and swami vivekananda education is not down to class rooms surrounded by 4 walls. Education is a thing of self progress and learning by understanding makes sense. Constant rote makes no progress and is  a waste of Time. Education can be achieved outside classroom by practical observation, inference, analytical and curious intellectual practical approach

From @successpictures

Now coming to the list of dropouts~📃

1.Steve jobs dropped out of reed college which was as expensive as standford after 6 months. He said first he was scared to do. So but slowly as time progressed he learned new things and finally became the dad of apple. He said if he remained in that college he would be working like us in a Company. He further said about connecting the dots and stay hungry and stay foolish. 
@basic physics 

2.Elon musk dropped out of standford in 2 days because physics was difficult for him. And said commitment and work for a physicists require a lot hardship. So he dropped out. 

3. Eminem dropped out of school due to truancy and low grades and he knew that for rapping school was not the place to be practiced.

4.Even Einstein was forced to expelled out of school because he was poor in studies but later you know he achieved nobel in physics he proved  academic success doesn’t depend on  your future success. If you have a desire you cannot get it by judging a fish  to climb a tree

See the power of unity in this video of you like it hit subscribe to see more 

Continuing the topic in my next post and don't start to.think worng about the post as they are just exceptional cases we normal mass cannot do it. No you can....... 

Just follow one thing

If they can do, then i can too


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